OTLICHNO represents severals Spanish producers of covering materials in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We specialize in ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles. In addition, we actively work with natural stones, mosaics and quartz agglomerates.
Our company is driven by a team of sales professionals who concentrate their activity mostly in Russia and Ukraine and are perfectly acquainted with the distribution channels, commercial practices and the preculiarities of the market.
OTLICHNO represents severals Spanish producers of covering materials in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We specialize in ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles. In addition, we actively work with natural stones, mosaics and quartz agglomerates.Our company is driven by a team of sales professionals who concentrate their activity mostly in Russia and Ukraine and are perfectly acquainted with the distribution channels, commercial practices and the preculiarities of the market.
Our partners delegate to Otlichno their commercial activities and order management for a determined geographic area. Otlichno sells and promotes their products through visits to clients, participation in exhibitions, organization of seminars and other events, and the arrangement of professional visits to the factories. Besides, Otlichno takes care of the reclamations, and helps organizing load logistics and payment and receivables management.
Moreover, Otlichno constantly investigates the market trends and the needs of the clients with the aim of collaborating in the development of the new products. As a matter of fact, many successful collections have already been created following our advice.

Our partners delegate to Otlichno their commercial activities and order management for a determined geographic area. Otlichno sells and promotes their products through visits to clients, participation in exhibitions, organization of seminars and other events, and the arrangement of professional visits to the factories. Besides, Otlichno takes care of the reclamations, and helps organizing load logistics and payment and receivables management.
Moreover, Otlichno constantly investigates the market trends and the needs of the clients with the aim of collaborating in the development of the new products. As a matter of fact, many successful collections have already been created following our advice.
In Otlichno we assume as our own the sales and promotion objectives of every factory that works with us, and we act in accordance with the parameters thay they establish. In order to appropriately fulfill our task, we do not incorporate new manufacturers whose products overlap, either because of its nature or design, with those we already have in our account.
Otlichno does not make a joint promotion of the factories it works with. On the contrary, we scrupulously respect the brand policies of every company we represent.
En Otlichno asumimos como propios los objetivos de ventas y promoción de cada una de las fábricas que trabajan con nosotros y actuamos conforme a los parámetros que de ellas recibimos. Con el fin de cumplir adecuadamente con nuestra tarea no incorporamos nuevos fabricantes cuyos productos se solapen bien por su naturaleza, bien por su diseño con otros que ya llevamos en cartera.
Otlichno no hace promoción conjunta de las fábricas con las que colabora, es decir, respeta escrupulosamente las políticas de marca de cada una de las empresas representadas.

Calle de Galicia 1, 12004 Castellón de la Plana (España)
Phone: 964 24 68 45
E-mail: info@otlichno.net
Monday to Friday 9.00-18.00

Calle de Galicia 1, 12004 Castellón de la Plana
964 24 68 45
Monday to Friday 9.00-18.00